Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Product Manage System on Web (Mobile Product) using PHP & MySQL Part II

In Part II  is mention about visitor site of the website .

1. Home Page

2. Product_detail Page
3. List Product By Category
4. Search Product 's Name

Product Manage System on Web (Mobile Product) using PHP & MySQL Part I

Mobile Product Management on web

    I.      Objective

·         Manage Product / Product’s detail
-       Insert new Product
-       Product’s Detail
-       Delete Product
-       List Product (select product)
·         Manage Category
-       Add new Category
-       Update / delete Category
-       Select Category
·         Manage User Login
-       Add new user
-       Edit/delete user
-       List all user

·         Search Product 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

sample of Select Product from DB using PHP-MySQL

How to create MSProduct in PHP-MySQL
1. create dbname: product , table : tblproduct , field : id, Pro_name, category, price , Status
2. Configuration config.php
3. how to select some data from tblproduct index.php

Monday, February 15, 2016

CodeIgniter Quest 2015-2016

Midterm Semeter I
Subject :  Web Development with PHP & MySQL
Period : 60 Minutes

I. Choose the correct answer (06 points)
1.    When we create a new Class Page Controller What do we need to use the Extend ?
 CI_Controller         Model_Controller       ƒ Controller          CodeIgniter_Controller
2.      Whic one is the name of page follow Function ?
function index() {
 view/home                 data                                  ƒ index                    home
3.      When we create Class Page , View/about.php What is the URL that we should Run ?
 "http://localhost/CodeIgniter/index.php/page/view/about.php"            
ƒ "http://localhost/CodeIgniter/index.php/page/about"             
"http://localhost/CodeIgniter/page/about "          
II.                  សំនួរផ្គូរផ្គង
1.       Web Client
2.       Model
3.       Web Server
4.       Web Browser

A.   Process the user Request
B.   Data
C.    processes requests via HTTP
D.   Sending and Receiving data
E.    User Response
1   =   ………..
2   =   ………..
3   =   ………..
4   =   ………..


III.             Question  
1.    What are the reason to use CodeIgniter Framework ?
2.    Describe how to Install CodeIgniter in Localhost ?

3.    What is the function of MVC in CodeIgniter Framework? Described by one?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Code PHP Login

1. create database name user

CREATE TABLE `tbluser` (
  `LogID` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `Password` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `Email` varchar(30) NOT NULL